Page Layout: A4 Vertical, Page Margins (Normal) (all around [right-left-top-bottom] 3 cm)
Articles to be submitted for publication in SUJST must be a maximum of 10,000 words.
Typeface: Palatino Linotype, the main headings should be written in 11-point font and the text should be written in 10-point font.
Each article must have a Turkish and English title. The title of the work should clearly reflect the content and be comprehensive.
• Main headings: All capital letters should be written in bold and should not exceed 15 words.
• Headings: The first letter of each word should be capitalized, all in bold, and a paragraph indentation should be placed at the end of the heading.
• Sub-headings: The first letter of the first word of the title should be capitalized, the first letter of the next word(s) should be written in lowercase, all in bold, and the article should be continued on the same line by placing a colon (overlapping) at the end of the title.
Names and Addresses of Author(s)
The name of the author should be under the title of the article. Author's surname should be written in capital letters. The author's title, institution, e-mail address and ORCID number should be stated in the footnote.
It should clearly and concisely reflect the purpose, scope, method, results, highlights, and original value of the study. The number of words should be at least one hundred (100) and at most two hundred (200).
Key Words
At least 3 and at most 8 keywords that reflect the integrity of the study should be determined.
The basis of the research subject, summary information about the parts of the study, its equivalent in the scientific literature, the importance of the research, research problem and objectives should be detailed in the introduction part.
The type of study, research group, data collection tools, validity and reliability, data collection techniques, data analysis, limitations, ethics committee approval, if necessary, should be detailed in the method section.
The findings obtained in the research; It should be explained with relevant tables, figures, graphics, or pictures in a way that supports the purpose and problem of the study and maintains its integrity.
Discussion *
In the light of the importance of the research, the findings should be discussed with the literature and the author's comments.
Conclusion *
In the conclusion part, the main ideas that emerged in the light of the discussions should be explained.
Recommendations *
Suggestions should be made in accordance with the discussion and conclusion of the study. It should also include suggestions for future studies and applications in the field that will contribute to the literature.
Acknowledgements **
Acknowledgments should be given to individuals or institutions that made small contributions to the research.
Extended Abstract in English
In the article, after the conclusion part of the study, approximately 5-15% of the text of the article should contain an Extended Abstract in English. The extended summary should contain information about the purpose, problem, method, findings, and conclusions of the research, as in the "summary". The information given should be expressed a little more broadly than the “summary”. It should not contain any findings or results that are not included in the research text. Articles written in English do not need a Summary. The extended abstract should be submitted after the "publishable" decision has been made for the article. It does not need to be sent on the first submission.
Bibliography should be prepared in accordance with the citation guidelines found in the Sixth Edition of the APA. In-text references and references should be given in accordance with the language of the full text. For the full text in Turkish, the principles and procedures of citing references in Turkish, and the procedures and principles of citing references in English for the full text in English should be considered.
Font family should be Palatino Linotype and line spacing should be 3 pt. The indent should be 1 cm.
Appendices **
Additional tables, figures, graphics, and pictures should be given on a new page after the bibliography. Each supplement should be classified and titled separately such as Annex 1, Annex 2 etc.
* Discussion, Conclusion and Suggestions can be collected under a single title by the authors, or they can be given separately.
** In case of Acknowledgments and Additional information, these titles should be given as the main headings such as Introduction, Method.
Tables and Figures
Table and Figure title and text properties should be given considering the structure in the examples in the template.12-point space should be given before and after the tables and figures.
Table titles and text should be written in 10-point font.
Table and Number should be written in bold.
Example: Table 1. Title of the Table
If the figure is in a graphic and editable format, the title and inset should be written in 10 points.
Figure and Number should be written in bold.
Example: Figure 1. Title of the Figure
If the figures contain a picture or a non-editable image, they must be imported into Word at 300 DPI resolution and the original figure must be uploaded with the Upload Additional File option in the fourth step of the Article Submission steps.
Footnotes are used only for mandatory explanations and are given automatically with the "FOOTNOTE" command. References here should also be arranged in parentheses with the surname of the author, publication year and page number of the work.
Example: (Kaya, 2000, s. 15)
Quotations made one-to-one in the article should be given in quotation marks, and the source should be indicated in parentheses at the end of the quotation. Quotations less than five lines/forty words should be italicized between sentences, and quotations longer than five lines/forty words should be italicized within 1 cm from the right and left of the page. References should only be cited in parentheses at the end of non-literal citations.
Citation and Bibliography
In-text citations (quotation) and bibliography are based on the Sixth Edition of the APA.
A. In-Text References (Citations)
• Citations should be given immediately after the relevant part, in parentheses, with the surname of the author, the year of publication of the work/study, and the page number, using a comma “,” in between. The dot mark indicating the completion of the sentence should be placed after the parenthesis.
• Footnotes should not be used to cite in-text, but to supplement or expand on important information given in the text.
In-text references use the author-date style; in other words, the surname of the author followed by the publication date of the work is given at the appropriate point in the text.
1. Single Author, Single Work
• The surname of the author, publication year of the text and page number are given immediately after the relevant part to be referred in the text. The page number is indicated by the abbreviation of “s.” for Turkish articles, and “p.” for English articles.
Example: Emek süreci, çalışanın zihninde oluşan bu tasarı ve tasarının somut bir çabaya dönüşmesinden ibarettir (Marx, 1999, s. 27).
• If the author's name is in the relevant sentence, it is sufficient to indicate the date and page in parentheses.
Example: Altbach (2001, s. 11), dünyada birçok yükseköğretim sisteminin…
Example: Altbach, dünyada birçok yükseköğretim sisteminin…ifade etmektedir (2001, s. 11).
• If the author and publication year are indicated in the sentence, the author and the date are not given in parentheses.
Example: Konuyla ilgili olarak Üçok’un 2004 yılında gerçekleştirmiş olduğu çalışma örnek gösterilebilir.
• If a reference will be made to the entire work, the surname of the author and the year of publication are written in parentheses.
Example: Aile bireyleri, komşular veya etnik gruplar gibi benzer durumlardaki insanlar arasındaki güçlü bağların oluşturduğu sosyal sermayedir (Harper, 2002).
• If there will be a second reference to the same work in a paragraph, it is sufficient to give the surname of the author in the second reference, there is no need to add the year of publication.
Example: Frederick W. Taylor (1997), bilimsel yönetimin temelinde, işçi ve yönetimin çıkarlarının bütünleştirilmesi olduğunu savunmaktadır… Taylor, işçilerin ellerinde tuttukları işe ilişkin bilgiyi işveren ile paylaşmayarak bu bilgiyi işten ‘kaytarmanın’ bir aracı olarak kullanabildiklerini savunmaktadır.
• If the referenced source consists of volumes, the volume number is written before the page number and indicated with the abbreviation "C." in Turkish articles. In English articles, the abbreviation “Vol.” is used for the volume.
Example: (Okay, 1990, C. 2, s. 30)
2. Works with Two or More Authors
• For a work with two authors, the surnames of both authors should be included in each reference. While the last names of the authors are connected with the conjunction "and" in the sentence, the "&" sign is used in the parenthesis.
Example: Şafak ve Öz (2003, s. 15) bu konuda…
Example: (Şafak & Öz, 2003, s. 15)
• When citing studies with three, four or five authors, the surnames of all authors are written only in the first reference. For subsequent references, the abbreviation “vd.” is used after the surname of the first author in Turkish texts. In English texts, the abbreviation "et al." is used after the surname of the first author.
Example: First reference in a paragraph: Ercan, Bakırlı, Selçuk ve diğerleri (2013, s. 25) bu yaklaşımı sergileyen çalışmaların…
• Second and subsequent references in a paragraph: Ercan vd./et al. (2013, s. 25) bu yaklaşımı sergileyen çalışmaların…
Example: First reference in parentheses: (Üçok, Vardar & Aksan, 2004, s. 20)
Second and subsequent references in parentheses: (Üçok vd., 2004, s. 20)
• When citing works with six or more authors, only the surname of the first author is indicated.
Example: In a sentence: Şener ve diğerleri (2000, s. 50)
In a parenthesis: (Şencan vd., 2000, s. 50)
• When referring to two different authors whose surnames and first letters are the same, the names and surnames of the authors are written without abbreviation.
Example: (Gözde Doğan, 1996)
(Güleda Doğan, 2010)
3. Works Written by Legal Entity Authors
If a work belongs to a legal entity (government institutions, organizations, associations, working groups, etc.), the name information should be written in a clear and understandable way. The legal entity name may be shortened in some cases. If the legal entity name is long and has a well-known abbreviation, both the full name and the abbreviation are used in the first reference, only the abbreviation is used in subsequent references. If the legal entity name is short and cannot be easily understood by everyone when abbreviated, it is written without abbreviation wherever it is used.
Example: First reference in a paragraph: Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu (TÜBİTAK, 2015)…
Second and subsequent references in a paragraph: TÜBİTAK (2015)…
Example: First reference in parentheses: (Türk Dil Kurumu [TDK], 2012, s. 38)
Second and subsequent references in parentheses: (TDK, 2012, s. 38).
4. Works with An Unknown Author
• If there is no author or legal entity name in a work, the first few words in the author field (usually from the title) and the year are used when citing. In the submissions, the title of the article, the title of the section or the name of the web page is in quotation marks; The title of a book, magazine, brochure, or report is written in italics.
Example: (“Osmanlı Döneminde Kahve”, 2000, s. 18)
(Yenilenebilir Enerji İmkânları, 2000)
5. Works of Different Authors with Same Surnames
• If there is more than one author with the same surname in the bibliography, the first letter of the author's surname is shortened and used in all references, whether the study was done in the same year or in a different year.
Example: (A. Demir, 2003, s. 46)… (H. Demir, 2003, s. 27)
6. Referencing Multiple Works
• If more than one work is to be cited in the same parenthesis, they should be in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors and separated with semicolons.
Example: (Gökyay, 1982, s. 120; Okay, 1990, s. 28; Tuna, 2000, s. 40)
• If a reference is to be made to different works of an author, a sequence is followed from the oldest to the newest publication year, and the author's surname is written once at the beginning of the reference.
Example: (Kılıç, 2000, 2002, 2004)
• The works of an author in the same year are distinguished by adding letters such as a, b, c… after the year.
Example: (İlhan, 2003a, s. 25)… (İlhan, 2003b, s. 58)
7. Quoting or Citing Sources (Secondary Sources)
• It is essential to reach primary sources in studies, but if they could not be reached due to some difficulties, the quoted or cited source is indicated in the reference.
Example: Köprülü’nün çalışmasında (cited by Çobanoğlu, 2004)…
8. Referencing a Specific Part of a Work
• When referring to a certain part of a source, the section, page, table, and figure number of the item is specified. While declaring the sources in this way; the abbreviation of “p.” is used for page and pages, the abbreviation of “chpt.” is used for chapter and the abbreviation of “para.” is used for paragraph.
Example: (Öztürk, 2011, s. 45), (Öztürk, 2012, Böl. 3), (Öztürk, 2012, Tablo 2), (Öztürk, 2019, para. 2),
• If reference is made to consecutive pages in a work, a hyphen (-) is used between page numbers, and a comma (,) is used when referring to different pages. The abbreviation of “pp.” is used to indicate the page range in English articles.
Example: Bu sayede hem bireylerin hem de grupların verimliliği artmaktadır (Putnam, 2000, s. 16-19)
Example: Buna karşılık, salep ise çoğunlukla bir fakir içeceği idi ve ayrıca askerlerin beslenmesi için kullanıldı (Işın, 2014, s. 23, 24, 30).
9. Personal Communication
• Information based on personal conversations by e-mail, telephone, face-to-face or other formats are shown in the text, but not in the bibliography.
Example: (M. Doğan, personal communication, 1 Aralık 2001)
10. Verses and Hadiths
• Sura numbers and verse numbers are given in order while the verses are referenced.
Example: (Kur’an-ı Kerim 5: 3-4)
• Hadiths should be cited according to the Concordance method.
Example: (Buhari, Es-Sahih, İman 1)
11. Laws and Regulations
• The name of the law or regulation and the year it was adopted are given in parentheses.
Example: (İlköğretim ve Eğitim Kanunu, 1961)
• If the name of the law or regulation is too long, abbreviation can be used.
Example: Kanunun adı: İnternet Ortamında Yapılan Yayınların Düzenlenmesi ve Bu Yayınlar Yoluyla İşlenen Suçlarla Mücadele Edilmesi Hakkında Kanun
References in a sentence: (İnternet Ortamında Yapılan, 2007)
12. Manuscripts
• When citing a manuscript, abbreviation of auth. should be placed after the author's name. Catalog number and leaf/page number should be specified. Full citation should be shown in the bibliography.
Example: (Ahmedî, yz. 1410, 7b)
• If the author of the manuscript is unknown, the name of the work and the catalog number in the library where it is located should be written.
Example: (Mecmua-i Eş’ar, yz. 13400, 5a)
13. Archival Documents
• When citing archival documents, the abbreviation in the text should be as in the example, and its explanation should be given in the bibliography.
Example: (BCA, Mühimme 15: 25)
14. Printed Sources with No Publication Year
• If there is no publication date in a printed source, abbreviation of “t.y.” is used to indicate it in Turkish articles. The abbreviation of “n.d.” is used to indicate it in English articles.
Example: (Akdoğan, t.y., s. 25)
15. Referencing in the Comments in Parentheses
• If a reference is required during a statement to be made in parentheses, a comma should be used for the date, not square brackets.
Example: (Bu konuda daha ayrıntılı bilgi için bk. Doğan, 2010)
B. Bibliography
• All sources used in the article should be included in the "References", even if they are related to the subject of the article, documents, and works that are not mentioned in the article should not be included in the bibliography.
• References should be given at the end of the main text in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors. For those written before the Surname Law of 1934, the name of the author should be taken as a basis, no abbreviations should be made.
• References must be written in the Latin alphabet.
1. Books, Advising Resources, and Book Chapters
• In the writing of book titles, only the first words of the title and sub-titles and proper names, if any, should be written in capital letters. Book titles are written in italics. The word "Publications" in publisher names can be abbreviated as "Pub.".
a) Books with Single Author
• The Surname of the Author, the First Letter of the Author’s Name. (Year of Publication). The Title of the Book (Italics). The City Where the Book Was Published: Publisher.
Example: Pala, İ. (2006). Kırk güzeller çeşmesi. İstanbul: Kapı Yay.
b) Books with Two Authors
• In books with two authors, the & sign is used between the surnames and names of the author.
Example: Şentürk, A. A. & Kartal, A. (2011). Eski Türk edebiyatı tarihi. İstanbul: Dergâh Yay.
c) Books with Three or More Authors
• If the number of authors is seven or less, all author names are given in the bibliography.
Example: Akyüz, K., Beken, S., Yüksel, S. & Cunbur, M. (2000). Fuzulî dîvânı. Ankara: Akçağ Yay.
• If the number of authors is eight or more, three dots (…) are placed by giving the information of the first six authors, then this section is closed by giving the information of the last author.
• Author, A., Author, B., Author, C., Author, D., Author, E., Author, F., … Author, H. (Year of Publication). The Title of the Book (Italics). The City Where the Book Was Published: Publisher.
d) Books by an Author Published in the Same Year
• The letters “a, b, c…” are used to distinguish the works of an author published in the same year.
Example: Süreyya, C. (1991a). Şapkam dolu çiçekle. İstanbul: Yön Yay.
• Süreyya, C. (1991b). Üstü kalsın. İstanbul: Broy Yay.
e) Books Written by Legal Entities
• In the author part, the name of the legal entity is written without abbreviation. If the publisher (publishing house) and the author are the same, “Yazar” for Turkish and “Author” for English should be written instead of the publisher.
Example: Türk Dil Kurumu. (2012). Yazım kılavuzu. Ankara: Yazar.
f) Book with an Editor
• When the title of a book with an editor is written in the bibliography, the names of the editors are included in the author section and “Ed.” in parentheses after the last editor's name. abbreviation is used. If the person who prepared the publication is to be specified instead of the editor information, “Prep.” abbreviation can be used.
Example: Kaynar, M. K. (Ed.). (2015). Türkiye’nin 1950’li yılları. İstanbul: İletişim Yay.
• If there is a reference to a chapter in a book with an editor, when showing it in the bibliography, the name of the editor is given after the title of the relevant chapter, not the author. The section title is not italicized.
• The Surname of the Author, First letter of Author’s Name. (Year of Publication). The Title of the Book Chapter. First letter of Editor’s Name and Surname of the Editor & First letter of Editor’s Name and Surname of the Second Editor (Ed.), in The Title of the Book (page range). The City Where the Book Was Published: Publisher.
Example: Yücel, C. & Gülveren, H. (2006). Sınıfta öğrencilerin motivasyonu. M. Şişman & S. Turan (Ed.), Sınıf yönetimi içinde (s. 74-88). Ankara: Pegema Yay.
g) Translated Books
• If a translation of a book from any foreign language into Turkish is to be cited, the name of the translator is indicated after the title of the book and then the abbreviation “Çev.” is used. For articles in English, the abbreviation “Trans.” is used.
Example: Payot, J. (2019). İrade terbiyesi (H. Alp, Çev.). İstanbul: Ediz Yayınevi.
h) Encyclopedia Articles
• The Surname of the Author, First letter of Author’s Name. (Year of Publication). The Title of the Article. The Name of the Encyclopedia (Number of Volume, page range). The City Where the Encyclopedia Was Published: Publisher.
Örnek: İpekten, H. (1991). Azmî-zâde Mustafa Hâletî. İslâm ansiklopedisi (C. 4, s. 348-349). İstanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yay.
i) Books Without Author Name
• The name of the book is written in the author section in italics.
Example: Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Ansiklopedisi (1977). İstanbul: Dergâh Yay.
j) Specifying the Volume and Edition Numbers of Books
• If the book consists of volumes, the volume number is indicated with the abbreviation “V.” in parentheses after the book name. If the edition is to be specified, the abbreviation “ed.” is used after the publisher.
Example: Kabaklı, A. (1992). Türk edebiyatı (C. 1-5). İstanbul: Türk Edebiyatı Vakfı Yay.
Devellioğlu, F. (2002). Osmanlıca-Türkçe ansiklopedik lûgat (19. bs.). Ankara: Aydın Kitabevi Yay.
Note: If the publisher is a university and the name of the university includes the city name, there is no need to write the place of publication.
Example: Aybar, S. (2014). Hareket ve reji sanatı: Bir yöntem - bir oyun. Ankara Üniversitesi Yay.
Note: If there are two different authors in the bibliography with the same surname and first letter, the names of the authors should be given in square brackets in the bibliography.
Example: Doğan, G. [Gözde]. (1996)… Doğan, G. [Güleda]. (2010)…
2. Periodicals
• Includes regularly published scientific journals, popular magazines, and newspapers. The rules in writing the bibliography are valid in matters related to the number of authors. The general bibliography order for periodicals is as follows:
• The Surname of the Author, A., The Surname of the Author, B. & The Surname of the Author, C. (Year of Publication). The Title of Article. The Name of Journal, (If there is) Number of Volume (The Issue Number), page range. (If there is) DOI Number.
a) Journal Articles
• If the journal is published in volumes;
Example: Yıldız, H. (2019). Eski Türkçe ile Yakutçanın karşılaştırmalı söz varlığı: Ünlüyle başlayan sözcükler. İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, 59(1), 233-254. doi: 10.26650/TUDED2019-0010.
• If there is no volume number;
Example: Çaksu, A. (2019). Bir siyasî içecek olarak Türk kahvesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 41, 369-386. doi: 10.21497/sefad.586654.
• If an article without a DOI number has been accessed via the internet, the URL of the web page where the work is located should be given.
Example: Çelik, B. (2019). 16. Yüzyıl şairlerinden Fakîrî ve şiirleri. Eski Türk Edebiyatı Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(2), 787-844. Access Address: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/estad/issue/48330/593485.
• If the content offered online is thought to be subject to change, the date of access to the website should be specified after the URL address of the article.
Example: Tunca, A. & Durmuş, E. (2019). Büyükannelerin torun büyütme yaşantılarının incelenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 41, 209-226. http://sefad.selcuk.edu.tr/sefad/article/view/969. Date of Access: 18.12.2019.
• While citing popular magazine articles, the month information is also included after the publication year. If these articles were accessed via the internet, the access address should also be written.
Example: Çelik Sezer, İ. (2020, Şubat). Avustralya’daki orman yangınlarında son durum. Bilim ve Teknik, 627, 16-17.
b) Newspaper Articles
• While giving the page numbers of the newspaper articles in the bibliography, “p.” abbreviation is used. Newspaper names are written in italics.
Example: Toker, Ç. (2015, 26 Haziran). Unutma notları. Cumhuriyet, s. 13.
• If the newspaper article is accessed via the internet, the URL address of the relevant web page should be given.
Example: Karaca, S. (2020, 12 Şubat). Kararlıyım ve yapacağım. Yeni Meram. Erişim adresi: http://www.yenimeram.com.tr/12-subat-2020-yeni-meram-gazetesi-393458.htm/3.
3. Theses
a) Theses in an Institutional Database
• Theses accessed from the Turkish Council of Higher Education Theses Database should be cited as in the example.
Example: Gökçe, U. (2019). Orhan Veli şiirinde özne ve varoluş sorunsalı (PhD Thesis). Access Address: https://tez.yok.gov.tr/UlusalTezMerkezi/giris.jsp.
b) Unpublished Theses
• The Surname of the Author, First letter of Author’s Name. (Year). The Title of Thesis (Unpublished Master’s Thesis/PhD Thesis). The Name of the University, The Location of University.
Example: Onat, E. (1987). Çift serili korelasyon üzerinde bir inceleme (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
c) Theses Accessed from Personal Web Pages
Example: Tonta, Y. A. (1992). An analysis of search failures in online library catalogs (PhD Thesis, Kaliforniya Üniversitesi, Berkeley). Access Address: http://yunus.hacettepe.edu.tr/~tonta/publicat.html.
4. Symposium Proceedings and Congress Proceedings
a) Published Proceedings
• The Surname of Author, First letter of Author’s Name. (Year of Publication). The Name of Proceeding. The First letter of Editor/Redactor’s Name, The Surname of Editor/Redactor (Ed./Prep.), in the Name of the Publication (Page Range). The City Where the Work Was Published: Publisher.
Example: Bilkan, A. F. (2007). Amasya’nın Osmanlı dönemi kültür hayatındaki yeri ve önemi. Y. Bayram (Haz.), I. Amasya Araştırmaları Sempozyumu Bildirileri içinde (s. 611-620). Amasya: Hilal Yay.
b) Unpublished Proceedings
• The Surname of Author, First letter of Author’s Name. (Date). The Name of Proceeding. Event Name, The City Where the Event Was Held.
Example: Köklü, N. (1996). Üniversite öğrencilerinin istatistik kaygı puanlarına etki eden faktörler. Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Araştırma Sempozyumu, Ankara.
5. Electronic Sources
a) E-books
• The Surname of Author, First letter of Author’s Name. (Year of Publication): The Title of E-book. Access Address.
Example: Ayçiçeği, B. (2018). Behiştî Ahmed’in İskender-nâmesi (İnceleme-Metin). Access Address: https://ekitap.ktb.gov.tr/TR-206269/behisti-ahmed-iskender-name.html.
• If the publication year of the book is unknown, the abbreviation of “t.y.” is used in Turkish texts and the date of access to the site is written. In English texts, the abbreviation of "n.d." is used and the date of access to the site is written.
Example: Akdoğan, Y. (t.y.). Ahmedî Dîvân. http://ekitap.kulturturizm.gov.tr/TR,78357/ahmedi-divani.html. Date of Access: 22.12.2015.
b) Citations From Websites
• While the citations from the websites are specified in the bibliography, if the author and publication date are known, the access address to the site is written, there is no need to write the access date.
Example: Aydınoğlu, İ. (2020, 10 Şubat). Evinizde sevgi ve içtenlik dolu bir yaşam oluşturunuz. Erişim adresi: https://hthayat.haberturk.com/evinizde-sevgi-ve-ictenlik-dolu-bir-yasam-olusturunuz-1073174.
• If the author is known, but the date is not known, “n.d.” abbreviation is used and the date of access to the site is written.
Example: Razon, N. (t.y.). Gencin meslek seçimini etkileyen faktörler. https://www.ekipnormarazon.com/makalelerimiz/meslek-secimi/gencin-meslek-secimini-etkileyen-faktorler/. Date of Access: 13.03.2020.
• If there is no author information, the title of the article is written in the author section and the date of access to the site is included.
Example: Çocuk ve gençlerde madde bağımlılığı. (t.y.). https://npistanbul.com/amatem/cocuk-ve-genclerde-madde-bagimliligi. Date of Access: 13.02.2020.
5. Laws and Regulations
• The Name of the Legislation. (Year, Day, and Month). T.C. Resmî Gazete (Number: …). The Accessing Address.
Example: Nükleer İhracat Kontrolü Yönetmeliği. (2020, 13 Şubat). T.C. Resmî Gazete (Sayı: 31038). Erişim adresi: https://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2020/02/20200213-3.htm.
6. Manuscripts and Printed Works
• The Name of the Author. The Name of the Work. The Name of The Library. Collection, Catalogue Number, Foil Spacing/Page Spacing.
Example: Âsım. Zeyl-i zübdetü'l-eş‘âr. Millet Kütüphanesi. Ali Emirî Efendi Koleksiyonu, 132, 1b-45a.
• For printed works, the name of the printing house where the work was printed is written instead of the publisher.
Example: Ebüzziya Tevfik (1306). Lûgat-ı Ebüzziya. İstanbul: Ebüzziya Matbaası.
7. Archival Documents
• Name of the Archive. Name of the Document (Number of the Document).
Example: BAO (Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi). Name-i Hümayun Defteri (10).
In the preparation of this guide on citation and bibliography writing, the book named APA 6 Rules for Citation, Table and Figure Creation Guide in Scientific Publications (Şencan & Doğan, 2017) and Çukurova University Institute of Social Sciences Thesis Writing Guide (2015) were used. These two sources should be consulted for matters that are not written or are not mentioned in this guide.
Focus and Scope
Focus and scope of Selçuk University Journal of Studies in Turcology (SUJST) are:
• to assist a Turcologist to specialize,
• forming a bridge between Turcologist academicians and Turcology researches by a direct contribution,
• to achieve an integrated perspective to Turcology studies,
• to evaluate the education and research problems of the Turcology within its context and international comparisons.
Also, the studies below are in the interest of SUJST:
• Studies analyzing the basic issues and applications in Turkish history, culture, language, literature, and art.
• Studies assisting the development of strategies and skills of professionals lecturing/learning Turcology.
• More qualified studies aiming the development of Turcology.
• Studies including broad studies or samples on Turcology.
Limitations and Rejected Submissions
Studies listed below are not included in the publication scope of SUJST and not accepted:
• Studies of undergraduate students are not accepted. But studies of masters and doctoral students are accepted.
• Studies not related with Turcology are not accepted.
• Studies of small sample ratios conducted by a small group of researchers are not accepted.
• Studies mentioned above are directed to the fields such as educational, economics and administrative sciences.
• Analyzing and evaluating textbooks, literary compilations and book reviews are not accepted by SUJST.
Publication Frequency
SUJST is an international refereed scientific journal and published three times a year. Only two special issues can be published every year. Announcements of special subjects are made at least one year before the publication. Topics which will be included in the special issues are determined by the Editorial Board and these topics can guide the Turcology.
Publication Language
Main publication languages of SUJST are Turkish and English. Articles in German, Russian and Modern Turkish Dialects are also accepted. Articles should comply with the grammar rules and related scientific literature.
The final copy of the article should be submitted in two languages after the acceptance. The final copies are checked by language editors (English, Russian, German, Turkish and Modern Turkish Dialects) of SUJST. Language editors may request corrections from the author. Authors are responsible for the delivery of the document.
Sections of the Journal
Selçuk University Journal of Studies in Turcology publishes only Original Research Articles.
Open Access Policy
SUJST adopts open access policy. Open access to information avails humanity since it develops the global value of the information. SUJST also supports the Open Access Initiative.
SUJST, as a publisher of Selçuk University guarantees free access of any libraries or individual researches to any e-library access.
SUJST does not have any source of income since it does not demand any fee for article search, publishing, and access to its archive. Accordingly, pecuniary obligations mentioned below belong to authors.
• Turcology studies are published as full text articles in Turkish, English, Russian, German and Modern Turkish Dialects. The journal does not provide translation service for these languages.
• All expenses regarding plagiarism checking, page-setting, and sketching and reference checking belong to authors.
Privacy Statement
Personal details such as names and e-mails entered in SUJST journal management system are going to be used only in accordance with the scientific aims of the journal and Selçuk University. The information is not going to be used for any other purposes and shared with the third parties.
The metadata and full texts of all articles published in SUJST are stored in a third-party cloud server in XML and PDF formats closed to access. Also, all articles are stored and served in ULAKBIM servers in PDF format via TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM Social Sciences Database.
ULAKBİM, Social and Human Sciences Database, MLA, SOBIAD, ASOS, İSAM, EBSCO, Research Data Bases, Clarivate Analytics (ESCI)
Copyright Transfer
Studies sent to SUJST for publishing should be an original study which has not been published in any way and submitted to anywhere for publication previously.
Authors accept to transfer their copyright of their studies and must transfer their copyright of studies to Selçuk University when they start submission process. SUJST Editorial Board is authorized for the publication of articles. In addition to this, the rights of authors mentioned below are reserved:
• Patent right,
• All unregistered rights apart from copyright,
• Right of reproduction of the study for their aims are subject to selling,
• Right of using all or part of the study in author’s books or academic studies are subject to referencing,
• Right of possession of the studies in their personal websites and open archive of their university is subject to referencing the study.
Authors to send their studies to SUJST have to fill in the “Copyright Form”. The form has to have the author’s wet-ink signature. The signed form must be uploaded by additional file loading preference in the 4th step of submission process after it is scanned. Studies of authors who do not send their Copyright Transfer Form are not published.
Blind Review and Peer Review Process
Blind Review is a method used to publish scientific studies with the highest standards. This method forms the basis of objective review process of scientific studies and used by many scientific journals. Referee comments and reviews have a determinative place in SUJST publication quality. All studies sent to SUJST are blind reviewed according to the steps mentioned below.
Blind Review
SUJST uses double blind review method in review process of all studies. Identities of referees and authors are concealed during the double-blind review method.
First Review Process
Studies sent to SUJST are first assessed by journal editors. In this process, the studies not meeting the aim and scope of the journal, publication policy of the journal, with weak grammar qualifications in Turkish and English languages, including serious scientific errors, without originality are rejected. The authors of the rejected studies are informed within two months at the latest from the date of their submission. Studies meeting the aims and scopes of the journal are sent to a field editor of the journal for preliminary assessment.
Preliminary Review Process
The field editors of the journal assess the introduction, literature, method, findings, conclusion, evaluation, and discussion sections of the study in detail in terms of journal publication policy, scope, and its originality. As a result of this assessment, the studies not meeting the requirements are rejected within one month with the field editor’s assessment report. Accepted studies are included in referee process.
Referee Appointment Process
Studies are refereed according to its content and referees’ area of expertise. The field editor reviewing the study suggests at least two referees from the referee board according to their area of expertise or may suggest a new referee suitable for the field of study. Referee suggestions obtained from the field editor are evaluated by editorial board and studies are sent to referees. Referees must give guarantee not to share any process and document of the study they review.
Referee Reports
Peer-reviews of the studies in general; It is based on originality, method used, compliance with ethical rules, consistent presentation of findings and results, and review of the literature. The review is made according to the subjects below:
1. Introduction and literature: Review report includes views about presentation of the studied problem, importance of the subject, scope of the literature related to the study, currency, and originality of the study.
2. Method: Review report includes views about suitability of the method, selection and features of research group, information about validity and reliability, and data acquisition and analysis process.
3. Findings: Review report includes views concerning presentation of the findings obtained within the method, accuracy of the analysis methods, consistency of the findings with the aims of the research, tables, figures and images, and assessment of tests conceptually.
4. Review and discussion: Review report includes views about the discussion of the subject based on findings, relevancy to research question(s) and hypothesis, generalizability, and applicability.
5. Conclusion and recommendations: Review report includes views about the contribution to the literature and recommendations for the future studies and field applications.
6. Style and wording: Review report includes views about accordance of the title with the content, the use of Turkish language in writing with the rules, referencing by APA 6 style.
7. General review: Review report includes views about the originality of the study as a whole and contributions to the literature and field applications.
During the review process, the referees are not expected to make corrections according to the typographic features of the study.
Referee Review Process
Referees are given 6 weeks for the assessment of the study. Correction demands of the referees or editors must be met within 1 month in accordance with “The Correction Guideline” by the authors. Referees may confirm the publication of the study by checking the corrections or they may demand several additional corrections if necessary.
Review Result
Decisions of the referees are reviewed by the field editor in two weeks at the latest. After this review, the field editor reports his/her final decision to the editors.
Decision of the Editorial Board
Editors prepare the decision of the editorial board about the study based on field editor and referees’ view. The views and recommendations of field editors and referees are sent to the authors in 1 week at the latest. Rejected studies are sent back without a demand for plagiarism check. The final decision for the accepted studies is given according to the results of plagiarism reports.
How Long Does the Review Process Take?
The publication review process of the studies sent to SUJST is expected to be completed in approximately 3 months. However, the period of the corrections requested by the referees or editors and the period of the corrections made by the author(s) are not included in the 3-month process.
Online Submission Guide
Authors should join to the journal management system at http://sutad.selcuk.edu.tr/sutad in order to submit a study to SUJST.
Authors should follow the “Online Submission Guide” to be a member and submit a study.
Correction Guidelines and Loading Guide
Editors, field editors and/or referees may request one or more correction and redaction for the studies in review process in SUJST.
The author(s) are required to complete the corrections and redactions in a complete, descriptive, and timely manner with the awareness that the requested correction and improvement suggestions are objective and increase the originality of the study.
The author(s) should load the requested corrections and redactions to the system according to the requirements specified in the “Correction Guidelines and Uploading Guide”.
Retracting a Study/Article
SUJST gives importance to integrated and complete publishing for researchers and librarians. We are aware that this could only be possible by publishing reliable and original research articles. According to SUJST publishing policies, the duties and responsibilities of the author(s) and editorial board during the retraction of a study or article are listed below.
If the author(s) notices a mistake or error in their unpublished studies in early-view or review phase, they have responsibility to cooperate with the journal editor in retraction.
The author(s) who wants to retract their study during the review phase is responsible for informing the editorial board by sending the scanned copy of a wet ink signed and filled “Retracting Form” via selcukturkiyat@gmail.com / turkiyat@selcuk.edu.tr. The Editorial Board reviews the retraction notification and responses within one week at the latest. Since the copyright of the study is transferred to SUJST by The Editorial Board, authors cannot submit their studies to another journal for assessment, unless the request for the retraction of copyrighted studies approved.
SUJST editorial board has a responsibility to launch an investigation into a study which may be published, in early-view or view phases in case of suspicion of copyright and plagiarism.
If the editorial board detects copyright infringement and plagiarism in the work under evaluation as a result of the investigation, it withdraws the work from the evaluation and returns the detected cases to the authors by citing the sources in detail.
If the editorial board finds copyright infringement and plagiarism in a published or early view study, it will perform the following retraction and notification procedures within one week at the latest.
Following procedures are applied to the study which is abuse of ethics.
1. The expression “Retracted” is added to the title of the electronic version.
2. Instead of the Abstract and Full Text of the study of the electronic version, the reasons of retraction, and detailed sources of the evidences are published together with notifications (if there are) of institutes of the authors.
3. Retraction notification is announced on the main page of the journal website.
4. An electronic and hard copy of the first issue to be published after the retraction date is included “Retracted: Title of the Study”, reasons of retraction and sources of evidences are shared with the public and researchers by starting from the first page.
5. Retraction notifications listed above are sent to the institution(s) which the author(s) is affiliated.
6. The retraction notifications listed above are sent to the institutions and organizations in which the Journal is indexed, and to the directorate of National Library of Turkey to be recorded in index systems and catalogues.
In addition, the SUJST Editorial Board may offer the publishers or editorial boards of the studies of the author(s) subjected to ethical abuse to ensure validity and reliability or retraction of their previous studies.
Object to the Review Result
The right of the author(s) to object to the decisions of the editorial and scientific boards of SUJST forwarded to the author(s), is reserved. The author(s) should send the reasons for the objection regarding the views and comments written in a scientific language by an e-mail to selcukturkiyat@gmail.com / turkiyat@selcuk.edu.tr. The objections are examined by the editorial board within one month at the latest (views of the field editor and referees may be requested about the objections) and a positive or a negative response is given to the author(s). If the objections to the review result are found positive, the editorial board appoints new referees according to the field of the study and restarts the review process.
Publication Ethics
Publishing processes carried out in SUJST form the basis for the development and distribution of information in an objective and respected manner. The processes carried out in this way reflects directly to the quality of the study of the authors and supporting institutions. Refereed studies are the studies which support and objectify the scientific method. At this point, it is important that all stakeholders of the process (authors, readers, researchers, publishers, referees, and editors) comply with the standards of ethical principles. All stakeholders are expected to bear the following ethical responsibilities within the scope of SUJST publication ethics.
The following ethical duties and responsibilities have been prepared by considering the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access. For COPE's "Policies and Practices" document, see https://publicationethics.org.
Ethical Responsibilities of the Authors
The authors submitted their studies to SUJST is expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:
• The studies submitted by the author(s) are expected to be original. If the author(s) benefit from or use other studies, s/he must cite and/or refer completely and properly.
• Individuals who do not contribute to the content intellectually in the preparation of the study should not be specified as authors.
• If there are conflict of interest in the studies submitted for publication, their conditions and relationships should be explained.
• Any raw data regarding the articles may be requested from the author(s) within the review process. In such a case, the author(s) should be ready to present the requested data and information to the editorial and scientific boards.
• The author(s) must have the documents proving that they have right to use the data, the required permissions about the research/analysis, or the document showing the approval of subjects in experiments.
• If the author(s) notices a mistake or error in the study in review or early view processes or after the publication, they must inform the editor of the journal and publisher and cooperate with the editor in correction and retraction procedures.
• Authors cannot keep their studies in submission process more than one journal at the same time. Each submission can be started following the competition of the previous submission. A study published in another journal cannot be submitted to SUJST.
• If the review process of a study has begun, changing author responsibilities (such as adding author, changing author order, removing an author) cannot be offered.
Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of the Editors
SUJST editors and field editors should have the following ethical duties and responsibilities based on the guidelines of "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access.
General Duties and Responsibilities
Editors are responsible for every article published by SUJST. Editors have the following roles and liabilities within the context of this responsibility:
• To make efforts to meet the information needs of readers and writers.
• To provide continuous development of the journal.
• To carry out the processes to improve the quality of the studies published in the journal.
• To support freedom of thought.
• To provide academic integrity.
• To continue journal processes without compromising intellectual property rights and ethical standards.
• To be clear and fair in subjects requiring correction and explanation in terms of publication.
Relations with the Reader
Editors should make decisions considering knowledge, skill and experience needed by all readers, researchers, and practitioners. The editors should be careful that the published studies contribute to the reader, researcher, practitioner, and scientific literature and are original. In addition, the editors have to consider feedback from readers, researchers and practitioners, and provide descriptive and informative feedback.
Relations with the Authors
Duties and responsibilities of the editors to the authors are as follows:
• Editors should make a positive or negative decision based on the importance, originality, validity, clarity of the narration of the studies and the aims and objectives of the journal.
• They should take the studies which are appropriate to the scope of the publication to the preliminary review phase if they do not have serious problems.
• Editors should not ignore the positive recommendations of the referees unless there is a serious problem with the study.
• New editors should not change the decisions made by the former editor(s) for the studies unless there is a serious problem.
• “Blind Review and Evaluation Process” must be announced and editors have to avoid deviations that may occur in the defined process.
• Editors should publish an “Author’s Guide” that contains detailed information on each topic expected by the authors. These guides should be updated at specific time intervals.
• Editors should provide informative feedback to the authors.
Relations with the Referees
Duties and responsibilities of the editors to the referees are as follows:
• They should determine the referees in accordance with the subject of the study.
• They should provide the information and guides that the referees may need during the review phase.
• They must consider whether there are conflicts of interest among the authors and referees.
• They must keep the identity information of the referees in blind referee system.
• They should encourage the referees to review the study in an objective and scientific way.
• They should evaluate the referees in terms of timely return and performance.
• They should determine policies and practices that will increase the performance of the referees.
• They should take necessary steps to dynamically update the referee list.
• They should prevent impolite and non-scientific evaluations.
• They should provide a broad list of referees.
Relations with the editorial board
Editors should ensure that all the editorial board members carry on the procedures in accordance with the editorial policies and guidelines. They should inform the editorial board members about the publishing policies and new developments. They should inform the new editorial board members and provide information if they need.
In addition, the editors:
• should ensure that the members of the editorial boar review the studies objectively and independently.
• should determine the new editorial board with the qualified members who will contribute to the journal.
• should send the studies according to the expertise of editorial board members for review.
• should be in contact with the editorial board regularly.
• should organize meetings with the editorial board periodically for the development of the journal and its publishing policies.
Relations with the journal owner and the publisher
The relationship between editors and publisher is based on the principle of editorial independence. All decisions taken by the editors are independent from the publisher and the journal owner according to the written contract between the editors and the publisher.
Editorial and blind referee processes
Editors are obliged to apply the “Blind Referee and Review Process” policies mentioned in the journal publication policies. In this context, editors ensure that the fair, objective, and timely review process of the study is completed.
Quality assurance
Editors are responsible for publishing every article in accordance with journal publishing policies and international standards.
Protection of personal data
The editors are responsible for the protection of personal data of the subjects or the images in the reviewed studies. They are responsible for refusing the study if the consent of the individuals in the study is not documented. Editors are also responsible for protecting the individual data of authors, referees, and readers.
Ethics committee, human and animal rights
Editors are responsible for the protection of human and animal rights in the reviewed studies. They are responsible for refusing the studies which does not have ethics committee approval for the subjects and permissions for experimental research.
Ethics committee permission and approval
It should be stated in the candidate article that ethics committee approval has been obtained for research that requires data collection from the participants by means of questionnaires, scales, interviews, and observations. Evidence of sensitivity to ethical issues in the data collection process (such as obtaining permission for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others) should be presented within the study.
Precaution against possible abuse and misconduct
Editors are responsible for taking precautions against possible abuse and misconduct. In addition to conducting a rigorous and objective investigation in identifying and assessing complaints about the situation, sharing the findings related to the subject is among the responsibilities of the editor.
Ensuring academic publication integrity
Editors should ensure that the judgments containing mistakes, inconsistencies or misleading are corrected quickly.
Protection of intellectual property rights
Editors responsible for protecting the intellectual property right of all published articles and defending the rights of the journal and author(s) in case of possible violations. In addition, editors are also responsible for taking necessary precautions so that the content in all published articles does not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications. See, Plagiarism Check
Constructiveness and openness to debate
• should consider the persuasive criticism of the studies published in the journal and take a constructive attitude towards these criticisms.
• should give the right of reply to the authors of criticized studies.
• should not ignore or exclude the studies with negative results.
Editors are responsible for examining the complaints of authors, referees, or readers carefully and respond in an illuminating and explanatory manner.
Political and Commercial Concerns
The owner of the journal, publisher and other political and commercial factors cannot affect the editors’ making decisions freely.
Conflict of Interest
Editors guarantee the completion of the publishing process independently and impartially, considering conflicts of interest (If there is) between the author(s), referees, and other editors.
Ethical Responsibilities of the Referees
Reviewing all studies by “Blind Referee” affects the quality of the journal directly. This process gives confidence with the objective and independent review of the process. The SUJST review process is conducted by the principle of double-blind referee. The referees cannot contact the author(s) directly, reviews and comments are delivered through the journal management system. Review forms and referee comments on the full texts are sent to the author(s) through the editor in this process. In this context, the referees reviewing the studies for SUJST are expected to have the following ethical responsibilities.
• They should accept assessments only for the studies related to their expertise
• They should review in impartiality and confidentiality.
• If they think they are facing conflict of interest during the review process, they should refuse to review the study and inform the journal editor.
• They must destruct/erase the study they reviewed in accordance with the privacy policy after the review process. They can only use the final versions of the studies after the publication.
• They should perform the review objectively, only according to the content of the study. They should not allow nationality, gender, religion, political beliefs, and commercial concerns affect the review.
• They should review the study in a constructive and polite language. They should not make humiliating personal comments including hostility, slander, and insults.
• They should carry out the review timely with the ethical responsibilities mentioned above.
Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher
Selçuk University, the publisher of SUJST, is a non-profit, non-governmental organization working for public interest. In accordance with the founding philosophy, Selçuk University publishes SUJST journal in order to ascribe its relation to the public with the journal in international standards. In this context, Selçuk University and Administrative Body act with the following ethical responsibilities:
• Editors are responsible for all processes of the studies submitted to SUJST. In this context, decision makers are editors regardless of economic and political profits.
• The publisher pledges forming independent editor decision.
• The publisher protects the property and copyright of every article published in SUJST and undertakes the duty of keeping a record of every published copy.
• The publisher has the responsibility to take all precautions against abuse, fraud, citation gang and plagiarism concerning the editors.
If You Encounter an Unethical Situation
If you encounter any unethical content or behavior in SUJST, please report it to selcukturkiyat@gmail.com / turkiyat@selcuk.edu.tr
Studies accepted as a result of review in SUJST goes through these processes respectively; plagiarism control, bibliography editing, referencing and citation control, layout and typeset, giving DOI number and opening to early view. The studies taking place in early view are published in volumes and numbers decided by the editorial board.
SUJST does not have a source of income since it does not charge article processing fee (review and printing fees) and subscription fee for access to the articles. However, the financial obligations of the studies accepted as a result of the review regarding some of the topics below are the responsibility of the author(s).
Plagiarism Control
SUJST, as required by its publication ethics, necessitates every study to go through the plagiarism control after the Blind Referee Review Process. In this context, copies of each study in Turkish and English languages are subject to plagiarism control by a company approved by the editorial board. Financial responsibilities occurred during the control process belong to the author(s).
Plagiarism control is carried out by iThenticate software. The matches revealed by the software program are checked in details. Among these, correct references and citations are separated. Other matches are examined, mistakes are determined and reported for the editorial board. The editorial board makes the final decision about the study in the light of plagiarism control report of each study. Studies with a similarity rate higher than 20% in the iThenticate report are directly rejected. The author(s) may be requested to correct the mistakes, or the study may be returned to the author(s). The iThenticate report must be uploaded with the option to upload additional files in the 4th step of the work submission through the system.
Bibliography, Reference, and Citation Control
Scientific research is developed on previous studies. The studies include references and citations from previous studies within certain rules. Mistakes done knowingly or unknowingly in the studies harm the reliability of the study and publication.
SUJST considers it obligatory to refer and cite according to rules in the studies accepted as a result of review within the scope of publication ethics. In this context, after each study is accepted, they are sent to bibliography, reference and citation control to a company approved by the editorial board. The financial responsibility of the control belongs to the author(s).
The bibliography, reference and citation check of the accepted studies are done in Turkish and English full texts in the following steps:
• The bibliography is prepared in accordance with the procedures and principles in the 6th edition of the APA Citation Rules.
• It is checked whether the textual references of each citation in the bibliography are given according to the procedures and principles, and the wrong ones are corrected.
• Citations of in-text references are checked. The missing ones are requested from the authors, the wrong ones are corrected.
The rules and procedures of Turkish citing for full texts in Turkish and the rules and procedures of English citing for full texts in English are considered.
Layout and Typesetting Processes
SUJST requires a complete page layout and printing format as required by the standards for the formal integrity and readability of the articles. In this context, layout and typesetting processes are carried out by a company approved by the editorial board after plagiarism check and bibliography editing. The financial responsibility for the preparation of the layout and print copy belongs to the author(s).
Giving DOI Number
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique access number allowing identification and access of every study published electronically. A DOI number is mandatory for each study published in SUJST or in early view.
After the acceptance, the studies prepared for plagiarism control, bibliography control and printing form are given a DOI number by the editorial board.
Early View
SUJST cares about the dissemination of up to date and original information. In this context, the studies that have been accepted after the review process and the studies whose processes after the acceptance have been completed are published electronically as an early view. The studies published in the early view are published with the volume and numbers of page by the approval of the editorial board and after the publication they are removed from early view. Studies in early view may not be the last version to be published in a normal issue. Some edits in the final copy can be made before the publication.
The studies submitted to SUJST should have a plain and clear language quality in accordance with the grammar rules of the full text languages (Turkish and English) and scientific literature. The studies should be written in a clean and fluent language without foreign words. In this context, if the studies are edited before the submission, their publication processes are carried out in a healthier manner.
Selçuk University Journal of Studies in Turcology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).